We're bombarded by screens all day, consuming ephemeral tweets and blasts and garbage.
But you can break away.
Grab on to something permanent.
Go deep on something startlingly new and unfamiliar.
There's a certain magic to holding.
To flipping through pages.
To sitting and soaking in ideas.
What will you learn?
When you subscribe, you'll get a unique Paperstack email which you can selectively foward individual Substack emails to, or you can subscribe to a Substack with your Paperstack email directly to ensure every newsletter gets printed. Don't worry, we'll forward you any original emails you send us.
We'll collect your Substack emails as they arrive, adding them to your next issue. We'll print a new issue as often as you'd like: try a weekly cadence to build your own custom current events magazine, or collect the highlights and print once a quarter.
We'll format and layout your issue, print it on high quality premium paper, with gorgeous full bleed imagery and a perfect bound spine. Every issue is reviewed by hand before printing.